You're invited to be our guest when we show this iconic hand-drawn animated classic on our big screen. In this tale as old as time, Belle is a curious and independent young woman, an insatiable reader who feels stifled living in her small village. After breaking into a mysterious castle to save her father, she becomes a prisoner to the Beast, a spellbound and callous prince. With the help of a talking candlestick, clock, and teacup, she attempts to warm the Beast’s cold heart. Featuring over 10 unforgettable songs composed by Alan Menken with lyrics by Howard Ashman, the artists often credited with spawning the Disney Animated Renaissance.
Director Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise
Cast Paige O’Hara, Robby Benson, Angela Lansbury, Jerry Orbach
Country USA
Language English
Aspect 1.85